Thinking About a New Fence? Research First to Be Prepared

A new fence can open up so many benefits to your home or business. It’s a great way to boost curb appeal, keep pets or children in place, and can provide privacy and security. But because a fence is also a long-lasting investment, doing a little research before you start planning can save headaches later.

Consider these questions as first steps:

What are your principal goals for the fence?

Privacy: get the most enjoyment from your yard with the feeling of seclusion and peacefulness that a fence can provide.

Protect kids and pets: whether surrounding a pool or keeping children or dogs away from the street, a fence can bring you peace of mind.

Security: the right fence can help protect your residence and the possessions you keep outside, and can deter intruders by sending the message that you take security seriously.

Increase your property value: a home with a high-quality fence installed can set your property apart for potential buyers. Although a fence is often a practical investment, a thoughtful design can highlight and contribute to the visual appeal of your home.

Outline a property boundary: a fence can clearly illustrate to everyone where your property lines are.

What authorizations need to be in place?

You may need to meet municipal standards (rules that dictate fencing look, height, and material) and building permits, HOA requirements, documented property boundaries/survey, and clearly marked utility lines. Although your neighbors’ consent is likely not required, giving them a heads up can help minimize future concerns.

What’s your budget?

Several factors impact the cost of a fence installation, including the square footage, materials and accessories, purpose of the fence, and how much ongoing maintenance you can commit to. Also, consider the look and function: gates, existing landscaping/trees, hardscaping, underground sprinkler systems, pool or sprinkler underground water lines or electricity.

Should you install the fence yourself?

A DIY installation will depend on your skills, available time and the fence you choose. To learn more, read our blog post “DIY Fence vs Professional Installation: Which is Better?

Advanced Fence ‘n More is a leading Tampa and Hillsborough-area fence company, with dozens of 5-star reviews on Google. Contact us now for a free estimate, and to learn more about installing a fence that meets your goals. Every situation is unique, but we look forward to answering any questions we can.

K Hughes